ForumSoftware Update

News zu ee-forum und ee-wiki

Moderator: suntri

Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Heute war das Forum für wenige Minuten nicht verfügbar. Ich habe in dieser Zeit die ForumSoftware auf den neusten Stand gebracht. Es wurden einige Bugs behoben und Sicherheitslücken geschlossen.
Falls jemand eine unangenehme Veränderung feststellt bitte melden.

Hier die Aenderungen:
[Fix] Prüfung, ob Benutzer existiert, bevor E-Mail-Formular angezeigt wird
[Fix] Neue Mitglieder in einer Moderatoren-Gruppe sollen Moderatoren werden (Bug #382)
[Fix] Entsprechende Meldung, wenn auf nicht existierende Themen geantwortet wird (Bug #459)
[Fix] Spaltentyp von search_array geändert, damit mehr IDs gespeichert werden können(Bug #4058)
[Fix] nervigen Schönheitsfehler bei der Schriftgrößen-Auswahl beseitigt (Bug #4612)
[Fix] Kleinen Fehler bei Tabellen-Optimierung im Updatescript verbessert (Bug #6186)
[Sec] Prüfung des Avatar-Uploadverzeichnisses verschärft
[Sec] Kriterien für "schlechte" Weiterleitungsziele geändert - kellanved
[Sec] Nichtbeständigen XSS-Fehler bei Privaten Nachrichten behoben
[Sec] Negative start-Parameter werden abgefangen - SpiderZ.
[Sec] Session-Prüfungen für diverse Formulare ergänzt - kellanved

Viel Spass im Forum
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Beitrag von suntri »

Zur Information

Ich habe soeben die Forensoftware auf den neusten Stand gebracht.

Bitte meldet Probleme oder unpassende Veränderungen.

Hier hie Aenderungen auf einen Blick:
* [Fix] Correctly re-assign group moderator on user deletion (Bug #280)
* [Fix] Deleting a forum with multiple polls included (Bug #6740)
* [Fix] Fixed postgresql query for obtaining group moderator in groupcp.php (Bug #6550)
* [Fix] Selected field on first entry by default for font size within posting_body.tpl (Bug #7124)
* [Fix] Adjusted maxlength parameters in admin/styles_edit_body.tpl (Bug #81)
* [Fix] Fixed html output in make_forum_select if no forums present (Bug #436)
* [Fix] Fixed spelling error(s) in lang_admin.php (Bug #7172, #6978)
* [Fix] Correctly display censored words in admin panel (Bug #12271)
* [Fix] Do not allow soft hyphen \xAD in usernames (reported by Bander00)
* [Fix] Fixed the group permission system's use of array access
* [Fix] Simple group permissions now work properly
* [Fix] Fix inability to export smilies (Bug #2265)
* [Fix] Fixing some problems with PHP5 and register_long_arrays off
* [Sec] Fix possible XSRF Vulnerability in private messaging and groups handling

Besten Dank und Gruss
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Heute habe ich den Schritt in die Forum-Zukunft gewagt. Ich hoffe der Ausfall war nicht zu lange und die neuen Funktionen erfreuen die Benutzer. Bitte meldet mir Probleme mit dem Forum so schnell wie möglich.
Ich bin sicher das Eine oder Andere muss noch angepasst werden.

Herzlichen Dank und Gruss
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Fühlt sich wie zu Hause
Fühlt sich wie zu Hause
Beiträge: 379
Registriert: 29.07.2006, 13:22
Wohnort: Hamburg

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von Peter »

[quote="suntri"]Heute habe ich den Schritt in die Forum-Zukunft gewagt. Ich hoffe der Ausfall war nicht zu lange und die neuen Funktionen erfreuen die Benutzer. Bitte meldet mir Probleme mit dem Forum so schnell wie möglich.
Ich bin sicher das Eine oder Andere muss noch angepasst werden.

Herzlichen Dank und Gruss

Hallo Thomas,
ich hatte Probleme bei der Anmeldung. Habe ein neues Passwort generieren müsssen, da scheinbar die alten Passwörter nicht übernommen werden.

Die neue Ansicht des Forums gefällt mir übrigens sehr gut.
Glückwunsch zum gelungenen Update.
Mit besten Grüßen

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von JED »

Guten Morgen,

bei mir hat bisher alles geklappt - auch die Anmeldung. Die Suche ist allerdings noch grottiger, als vorher: "Kunststoff" finden nur einen Kosmos-Thread über Galvanometer, "Polytronic" findet nichts...

Und hier sind wohl die (oder manche?) [b]BBCodes[/b] ausgeschaltet?

LG, Joachim/JED

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von JED »

Mir ist nochwas aufgefallen: Beim Forum-Index findet sich eine SESSID im URI.

Normalerweise wird die über ein Cookie abgehandelt und sollte aus Sicherheits- und anderen Erwägungen nicht im URI auftauchen. Ist auch üblicherweise eine Einstellung (PHP.INI) des Servers oder wird im Script vorgenommen:


Ist allerdings ungewohnt, dass sie nur von einen Script produziert wird und das auch nicht immer... Mal weiterforschen.

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von JED »

Aha, Editieren geht auch nicht mehr...

Also, die SESSID kommt wohl nur in der index.php und nur, wenn man nicht angemeldet ist bzw., wenn man nach der Anmeldung weitergeleitet wird. Gibt es vielleicht einen Patch für.
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Ich habe die Software erst mal direkt vom Server installiert. Mal sehen was da alles noch so zusammenkommt.
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Ab sofort können auch Bilder im Forum hochgeladen werden (Dateianhang hochladen). Bitte nicht unendliche grosse Bilder verwenden!

Gruss suntri
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von helmut »

Hallo suntri,

die neue Software funktioniert bei mir unter MacOS 10.4 ganz prima.

Bei einigen Themen erscheinen schwarze Punkte,
sind das Themen die man schon mal besucht hat
oder haben die eine andere Bedeutung?

Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Mir sind die Punkte auch aufgefallen doch ich kann leider noch nicht sagen wozu die da sind.
Auf jeden Fall sind solche nur bei "neueren" Beiträgen zu sehen.

Gruss suntri
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von JED »

Ich nehme an, es sind die Threads, in denen man eigene Beiträge hat.

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von GeorgS »

[quote="JED"]Ich nehme an, es sind die Threads, in denen man eigene Beiträge hat.[/quote]
Hallo JED,
diese Erklärung passt zu meinen Beobachtungen.

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von JED »

Hallo Georg,

ich sehe das mittlerweile auch als eindeutig an - die Vorstellung von Wolfgang Holtmann hat bei mir jetzt gerade auch einen Punkt bekommen.

Viele Grüße

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von helmut »

Danke an alle Beteiligten!

Das erklärt schon mal einiges.

Nettes Gimmick

- Vor allem wenn man weiss wozu es dient -

Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Soeben habe ich die ForumSoftware auf den neusten Stand gebracht.
Aktuell sind wir auf der Version 3.05

Entschuldigt den kurzen Unterbruch .

Gruss suntri
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Soeben habe ich die ForumSoftware auf den neusten Stand gebracht.
Aktuell sind wir auf der Version 3.06

Entschuldigt den kurzen Unterbruch .

Hier die Anpassungen:
A list of major new features implemented in phpBB 3.0.6

* Better captcha options and backported 3.2 captcha plugins:
o Classic and GD CAPTCHA
o reCaptcha (based on API from by Mike Crawford and Ben Maurer)
o 3D Wave (by Robert "Xore" Hetzler)

* Introduced new ACM (Cache) plugins. (Please consult our support forums for help if you need to use one of the new ACM plugins)
o null (to disable caching completely)
o memcache
o XCache
o eAccelerator
* ATOM Feeds
* Bare-bones Quick Reply editor in viewtopic
* Users can report PMs to moderators which are then visible in a new MCP module
* Ability to copy permissions from one forum to several other forums.
* Send anonymous statistical information to phpBB on installation and update (optional)

A non-comprehensive list of minor feature additions to phpBB 3.0.6

* Add language selection to the registration terms page. (Patch by leviatan21)
* New groups option to excempt group leaders from group permissions (allows leading groups having NEVER permissions).
* New "Newly Registered Users" group for assigning permissions to newly registered users. They will be removed from this group once they reach a defineable amount of posts.
* Ability to define if the "Newly Registered Users" group will be assigned as the default group to newly registered users.
* Add new option to disable avatars board-wide. (Patch by cYbercOsmOnauT and nickvergessen)
* Add unapproved topic icon for moderators on forum list.
* Ability to define minimum number of characters for posts/pms.
* Detect if a post has been altered by someone else while editing.
* Add unread posts quick search option.
* Add option to disable avatar uploads from remote locations.
* Ability to delete warnings and keep warnings permanently.
* Ability to empty a user's outbox from the user ACP quick tools.
* Ability to search ACP/MCP logs.
* Parse email text files with the template engine.
* Added new functionality to inactive users module:
o Ability to set users per page.
o Ability to sort by posts/number of reminders/last reminded date.
o Show number of posts and ability to search posts.
o Show number of reminders sent to user.
o Show date of last reminder sent to user.
* Display version check on ACP main page.
* Ability to control the display of custom profile fields on viewtopic.
* Fallback options for missing language files. (Patch by EXreaction)
* Separate PM Reply and PM Reply to all in prosilver.
* Place debug notices during captcha rendering in the error log - useful for debugging output already started errors.
* Ability to define constant PHPBB_USE_BOARD_URL_PATH to use board url for images/avatars/ranks/imageset (useful for bridges and applications using phpBB).
* Style authors are now able to define the default submit button used for form submission on ENTER keypress on forms using more than one submit button. Prosilver uses this for the posting page(s) and registration screen.
* Ability to specify amount of time user is able to delete his last post in topic.

A non-comprehensive list of smaller changes implemented in phpBB 3.0.6

* Change the data format of the default file ACM to be more secure from tampering and have better performance.
* Template engine now permits variable includes to a limited extent.
* Quote BBCode no longer requires the f_reply permission.
* Banning/unbanning users now generates an entry in their user notes.
* Smilies no longer require the f_bbcode permission.
* Hide avatar when avatar-type is not allowed.
* INCLUDEPHP paths are now relative to $phpbb_root_path.
* "Post details" links with image in MCP.
* PM history now only shows PMs of users you currently reply to.
* Show quote button for own PMs in PM history.
* Add pagination for icons and smilies in the ACP and smilies in the smiley popup.
* Changed minimum requirement for Firebird DBMS from 2.0+ to 2.1+.
* Unapproved topics can no longer be replied to.
* Allow three-digit hex notation in Color BBcode.
* Simplified login_box() and redirection after login. S_LOGIN_ACTION can now be used on every page.
* Resize oversized topic icons.
* Banned IPs are now sorted.
* phpBB updater now skips sole whitespace/tab changes while computing differences. This reduces the chance of conflicts tremendously.
* phpBB updater now solves common conflicts on its own. This further reduces the chance of conflicts.
* Database updater now supports checking for existing/missing indexes.
Gruss suntri
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Fast schon Admin
Fast schon Admin
Beiträge: 847
Registriert: 26.03.2009, 09:48
Wohnort: Karlsruhe

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von wolfgang »

Hallo suntri,

bei mir ist die Tabelle der aktiven Themen leer. Ich habe mit verschiedenen Einstellungen versucht der Tabelle was zu entlocken. Aber ohne Erfolg.

Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Sali Wolfgang

Kannst Du das bitte etwas genauer beschreiben?

Danke für die Meldung und Gruss
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Ahhhh, nun habe ich die Funktion auch gefunden. Das habe ich noch nie verwendet.
Ich werde es genauer ansehen.

Danke und Gruss
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von JED »

Hallo Thomas,

wärest Du so nett, im obigen Zusammenhang folgendes mal zu überprüfen: ... 4&t=199253

Danke & Viele Grüße
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »


Besten Dank für den Hinweis.
Ich habe das SQL Script mal ausgeführt. Wie schaut es nun aus?

Gruss suntri
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von JED »

Salü Thomas,

's schiint guet, alles sänkrächt...

Merci vielmol!
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Guete Morge Joachim

Beschte Dank fö dä Hiwis on en schöhne Tag.

Gruess us Basel
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Hallo zusammen

Soeben habe ich den aktuellen Update gemacht. Bei Problemen bitte diese bei mir melden.
Besten Dank und weiterhin viel Spass im Forum.

Neue Features
* HTTP Auth in ATOM Feeds durch Nutzung des GET Parameters "auth=http"
* Neuer BBCode-Token für UTF8-Buchstaben in Benutzerdefinierten BBcodes
* Quick Reply kann mit einem simplen Mausklick in allen Foren aktiviert werden

* Benutzer über möglicherweise gefährliche BBcodes warnen
* Forum Feeds enthalten die Posts in Subforen nicht mehr
* Beschleunigung der Verschiebung von Themen
* User Aktivierung wird über inaktive User im ACP geloggt.
* Besserer Preview für Frage/Antwort Captcha
* "Alle Themen" Feed aufgeteilt in "Neue Themen" und "Aktive Themen"
* Freunde und ignorierte Mitglieder können in PN Regeln nicht mehr als Option verwendet werden wenn die entsprechenden Module im UCP deaktiviert wurden.
* Für die Suche nach eigenen und ungelesenen Beiträgen wird Gästen nun ein Anmeldeformular angeboten

Wichtige Bugfixes
* Fulltext-Mysql Suche ist nun gleichzeitig nach Usernamen und Schlüsselworten möglich
* Wortzensur wird nun nicht mehr zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung unterschieden
* Diverse XHTML und CSS Fehler sowie PHP 5.3 Kompatibilitätsprobleme behoben
* ATOM Feed Datumsformatsfehler behoben
* Nicht authorisierte Benutzer können keine Privaten Nachrichten mehr aus der Ordnerliste heraus löschen.
* Möglichkeit den Boardweiten Feed zu deaktivieren
* Verbesserte Such-Performance
* Prüfe Moderatorberechtigung im neuen Forum zu posten beim Verschieben eines Themas.
* Benutzer erhalten auch weiterhin Benachrichtigungen wenn sie die Quickreply Funktion nutzen.
* Kein Submit wenn <Enter> auf dem Vorschau Button gedrückt wird.
* reCAPTCHA verwendet nun eine sichere Verbindung sofern https im Board aktiviert ist
* Keine Aktivierungsmail versenden, wenn der Benutzer versucht ohne Berechtigungen die Email-Adresse zu ändern
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Hallo zusammen

Soeben habe ich den aktuellen Update gemacht. Bei Problemen bitte diese bei mir melden.
Besten Dank und weiterhin viel Spass im Forum.

Changes since 3.0.7-PL1


* [PHPBB3-9903] - Execute javascript in [flash=] BBCode


* [PHPBB3-4923] - compress_tar incorrectly determines type
* [PHPBB3-5164] - Honor minimum and maximum password length in generated passwords as much as possible.
* [PHPBB3-6726] - Connecting to PostgreSQL using 'localhost' doesn't try to use a TCP connection
* [PHPBB3-6747] - word censoring * does not handle space for two or more words
* [PHPBB3-7260] - Do not delete polls if one exists and editing user lacks permissions
* [PHPBB3-7296] - Style export to tar(.*) does not work
* [PHPBB3-7369] - Custom Profile dates display incorrectly
* [PHPBB3-7417] - Search keywords field does not initially get focus
* [PHPBB3-7538] - Query exceeds maximum value for user_login_attempts
* [PHPBB3-7716] - Data too long for column 'message_subject'
* [PHPBB3-7720] - Fix alternative image-description for unread posts.
* [PHPBB3-7782] - Send HTTP 404 if topic, forum or user do not exist
* [PHPBB3-7972] - Copied topics are not indexed
* [PHPBB3-8169] - Parse CSS Regex accepts invalid code
* [PHPBB3-8792] - Misleading error message in auth_ldap.php, function init_ldap()
* [PHPBB3-8894] - JavaScript error and visible quote button on topic review if BBCodes disallowed
* [PHPBB3-8924] - spelling in admin_welcome_inactive.txt
* [PHPBB3-8929] - MS SQL error on view all smilies after 3.0.6 upgrade
* [PHPBB3-8935] - able to set minimal avatar size larger than maximum
* [PHPBB3-8944] - Error on database update (must specify size of index on MySQL4)
* [PHPBB3-9012] - Retain original topic title in shadow topic when moving a topic and editing the title.
* [PHPBB3-9034] - Redirect() fails with directory traversal
* [PHPBB3-9047] - Active topics and reported posts
* [PHPBB3-9049] - Password reminder system generates confusable passwords
* [PHPBB3-9053] - Correctly sort database backup file list by date on database restore page
* [PHPBB3-9061] - Race condition in queue locking
* [PHPBB3-9068] - Grammatical Error under Load Settings
* [PHPBB3-9075] - Missing / bad default values of CPFs result in SQL errors on registration of new users
* [PHPBB3-9091] - Wrong IP checking for IPv4 addresses mapped into IPv6
* [PHPBB3-9094] - Hide "Copy permissions" message, when permissions were copied.
* [PHPBB3-9095] - Misleading setting text for CAPTCHA
* [PHPBB3-9099] - Missing comma in PASSWORD_EXPLAIN acp language strings
* [PHPBB3-9101] - Bad text placement for reCAPTCHA description
* [PHPBB3-9104] - Safari does not display box headers correctly in the ACP.
* [PHPBB3-9107] - Can't Set Parent Forum
* [PHPBB3-9108] - RSS feeds does not work on Postgres
* [PHPBB3-9112] - Most active forum post count does not respect m_approve permission
* [PHPBB3-9114] - Recent bug fix for smilies causing problems on older MySQL versions
* [PHPBB3-9117] - Wrong redirection after login
* [PHPBB3-9119] - Language selection is disregarded in automatic update
* [PHPBB3-9120] - Typo fix in a comment in functions.php
* [PHPBB3-9121] - Forum feed shows posts that are currently on the moderation queue
* [PHPBB3-9125] - ACP User Overview: Unmatched </form> tag when viewing own user
* [PHPBB3-9126] - Invalid redirection after login to forum not in web root
* [PHPBB3-9132] - Oracle CLOB support is broken, preventing storage of long strings
* [PHPBB3-9135] - Fix report-icon for moderators in PM folders.
* [PHPBB3-9140] - Check current board version in incremental update packages
* [PHPBB3-9145] - Fix open_basedir issues when accessing styles- and language-management
* [PHPBB3-9146] - Quick-Reply tabindex="6" set twice
* [PHPBB3-9147] - "Change topic type"-option "Normal" always selected.
* [PHPBB3-9154] - Correctly check for double inclusion in captcha garbage collection
* [PHPBB3-9158] - viewforum/viewtopic pages unnecessarily duplicated with start=0
* [PHPBB3-9162] - BBCode in poll options is broken, when posting without question.
* [PHPBB3-9167] - Remove shadow topics from remaining forums when deleting a forum including posts
* [PHPBB3-9170] - Unable to get image size in img bbcode when URL has multiple parameters.
* [PHPBB3-9173] - sql_config_count() artificially limits number scope to 4byte-integer on PostgreSQL and Firebird
* [PHPBB3-9176] - When setting the board's date format the board's timezone settings aren't taken into account
* [PHPBB3-9451] - Unnecessary overhead in avatar_process_user function
* [PHPBB3-9478] - Validate maximum number of allowed recipients per PM value
* [PHPBB3-9495] - Loginbox <input /> redirect breaks xHTML
* [PHPBB3-9499] - Javascript function dE does not correctly detect element visibility
* [PHPBB3-9504] - Allow gallery avatars with whitespaces in the filename
* [PHPBB3-9509] - phpBB Coding Guidelines state subversion as the version control system for phpBB
* [PHPBB3-9510] - Unable to copy permissions from and to forums you cannot see
* [PHPBB3-9512] - Fix dead link in MCP on reports for global announcements in prosilver.
* [PHPBB3-9514] - Correctly delete big datasets when deleting a forum including topics/posts on non-MySQL databases
* [PHPBB3-9518] - Postgres DBAL does not correctly create a new database connection when passing $new_link as true
* [PHPBB3-9519] - Replace remaining is_writable() calls with phpbb_is_writable().
* [PHPBB3-9521] - MSSQL error reporting returns String instead of an error
* [PHPBB3-9524] - IPv6 regular expression does not match addresses starting in ::
* [PHPBB3-9526] - User Preference to hide online status does not work for bots
* [PHPBB3-9528] - Quoting in a PM does not fall back to bbcode-less quotes using "> " when bbcodes are disabled
* [PHPBB3-9529] - Topic review does not display all selected posts
* [PHPBB3-9530] - subsilver2 missing fallback option on quoting when bbcodes are disabled
* [PHPBB3-9531] - BBCode-less fall back option for quotes is missing "Author wrote:" line when quoting from topic-review.
* [PHPBB3-9535] - Incorrect margins in RTL languages: signatures, permission ACP & updater
* [PHPBB3-9545] - 'Your first forum' should have 'Display active topics:' set to 'Yes'
* [PHPBB3-9546] - Moving all posts from one topic to another does not delete bookmarks
* [PHPBB3-9547] - Changing forum type applies FORUM_FLAG_ACTIVE_TOPICS to new forum type.
* [PHPBB3-9548] - Delete user quicktool drop down should have an empty or invalid selection as the default
* [PHPBB3-9559] - Messenger Queue Batch Size configuration option is overridden
* [PHPBB3-9567] - Newly registered users group ACP wording
* [PHPBB3-9582] - Missing MSSQL native driver case statements
* [PHPBB3-9587] - Prosilver overrides reCaptcha class.
* [PHPBB3-9592] - Test suite does not run on SQLite
* [PHPBB3-9593] - Missing documentation for running unit tests
* [PHPBB3-9599] - Windows workaround for checkdnsrr() returns wrong results
* [PHPBB3-9605] - Wrong class added to topiclist, when there's no announcement topic.
* [PHPBB3-9615] - When attaching a file whose name contains quotes, filename before last quote is cut off in display
* [PHPBB3-9623] - Strings not properly normalized - acp_prune.php
* [PHPBB3-9626] - Regular expressions from get_preg_expression() are untested.
* [PHPBB3-9628] - Add module function does not correctly insert a module after the specified one
* [PHPBB3-9633] - Newly registered users group color is not used in Our Newest Member
* [PHPBB3-9635] - Useless parameter $data['post_time'] in function submit_post.
* [PHPBB3-9637] - SET NAMES 'BINARY' error in convertor
* [PHPBB3-9643] - DB connection error when $dbhost is an IPv6 address
* [PHPBB3-9644] - submit_post shows support for options that cause a trigger_error in the call to user_notification
* [PHPBB3-9646] - Cant hide/outcomment @import in stylesheet.css
* [PHPBB3-9650] - It should not be possible to ban Anonymous
* [PHPBB3-9653] - xhtml errors in subsilver2 when using the bbcodes code and quote in signatures
* [PHPBB3-9655] - Selecting an unavailable captcha plugin looks like a successful action
* [PHPBB3-9656] - PHP Information in ACP always lists error_reporting as 0
* [PHPBB3-9658] - Optimize topic splitting
* [PHPBB3-9662] - Search interval applied inconsistently
* [PHPBB3-9664] - Another duplicate accesskey: t = top and list item
* [PHPBB3-9665] - Signature "0" cannot be previewed
* [PHPBB3-9677] - Subsilver2 is missing the bbcode-helpline for inline-attachments.
* [PHPBB3-9678] - Flash attachments are not displayed in subsilver2.
* [PHPBB3-9679] - "Notify User" checkbox appears in MCP Queue even if no notification methods are enabled
* [PHPBB3-9686] - Unable to create data backup using the mssqlnative DBAL
* [PHPBB3-9694] - Calling download/file.php with empty avatar parameter can throw an E_NOTICE message
* [PHPBB3-9695] - Bad Display of User Input - mcp_ban
* [PHPBB3-9696] - Installation of phpBB with SQLite fails
* [PHPBB3-9697] - Backlink broken when the select parent forum does not exist.
* [PHPBB3-9698] - Returning result of new by reference is deprecated in php 5.3
* [PHPBB3-9702] - "Ban until (date)" appears to be based on UTC time instead of local time
* [PHPBB3-9703] - Removing a user does not remove their private message folders or rules
* [PHPBB3-9704] - Coding guidelines typo
* [PHPBB3-9712] - Future dates display as "less than one minute ago"
* [PHPBB3-9714] - "Undefined variable: email" in email regular expression unit tests
* [PHPBB3-9715] - Fix email address regular expression or adjust email regular expression unit tests
* [PHPBB3-9722] - "New Topic" button title attribute mismatch in prosilver's viewforum
* [PHPBB3-9727] - Feed replaces ./ with board URL
* [PHPBB3-9743] - Fix background-position of top2-class in prosilver for RTL-languages.
* [PHPBB3-9744] - Mistyped word 'then' in FAQ. It should be 'than'.
* [PHPBB3-9748] - <br /> not being replaced in prepare_message
* [PHPBB3-9749] - fulltext_mysql.php overreacts on + and - characters in search words
* [PHPBB3-9752] - Misleading text when using Q&A CAPTCHA
* [PHPBB3-9754] - Template variable S_USER_POSTED always set to false in search.php
* [PHPBB3-9757] - Empty template variable HISTORY_TITLE in ucp_pm_history
* [PHPBB3-9760] - Fulltext native search, wildcard * does not get escaped leading to long execution time
* [PHPBB3-9761] - Quote nesting depth explanation is misleading
* [PHPBB3-9771] - build_url() doesn't ignore empty parameters
* [PHPBB3-9772] - Under some circumstances, email addresses are shown to undesired users
* [PHPBB3-9780] - gen_rand_string() not respecting $num_chars parameter anymore.
* [PHPBB3-9782] - Board disable radio in Board-Settings set on when server load high
* [PHPBB3-9793] - Undefined function send_status_line() in download/file.php when in avatar mode.
* [PHPBB3-9807] - Avatar tab displays when avatars are disabled
* [PHPBB3-9810] - Clicking on "Select All" of code tag on print page results in a javascript error when using prosilver
* [PHPBB3-9820] - Fix undefined indexes when trying to post a new topic
* [PHPBB3-9822] - Can not delete style-components from the file-system as per explanation.
* [PHPBB3-9829] - Recaptcha plugin result interpretation fault
* [PHPBB3-9835] - Login Confirm Explain Not Working
* [PHPBB3-9840] - Display view unread posts link for guests
* [PHPBB3-9841] - Change "Save" button to "Save draft"
* [PHPBB3-9847] - Language typo and written form (British/American)
* [PHPBB3-9854] - Auth API documentation is incomplete
* [PHPBB3-9855] - Tests don't run on PHPUnit 3.5
* [PHPBB3-9879] - captcha_qa.php spelling, punctuation and grammar errors
* [PHPBB3-9883] - CAPTCHA uses american english
* [PHPBB3-9884] - Massive email delays
* [PHPBB3-9885] - Default file extension groups not properly updated by database updater.
* [PHPBB3-9886] - Database updater does not run on PostgreSQL because of an error in _add_module()
* [PHPBB3-9888] - Update fails when Bing [Bot] was already added to the users table
* [PHPBB3-9891] - Updater drops language-selection after database-update
* [PHPBB3-9509] - phpBB Coding Guidelines state subversion as the version control system for phpBB


* [PHPBB3-7332] - MCP post details usability
* [PHPBB3-7717] - Use user's language for standard-extensions-group name
* [PHPBB3-8709] - Multibyte keys in request_var not possible
* [PHPBB3-8936] - subsilver2 missing reply-to-all feature
* [PHPBB3-9088] - Add missing semicolons in js files
* [PHPBB3-9179] - improve quasi-documentation of notify_status values
* [PHPBB3-9503] - Posts with empty titles in moderation queue are not easily approved
* [PHPBB3-9534] - user_ipwhois() does not support IPv6 addresses
* [PHPBB3-9536] - Small improvement for query against sessions table in acp_users.php
* [PHPBB3-9553] - Make git hooks run with /bin/sh instead of bash
* [PHPBB3-9570] - Change "system timezone" to "guest timezone" in acp, add explanation
* [PHPBB3-9578] - ACP Posting tab is missing "Post settings" module.
* [PHPBB3-9589] - Sample nginx configuration file
* [PHPBB3-9595] - Search settings in ACP: Add information on minimum word size indexed when using Fulltext MySQL backend
* [PHPBB3-9598] - Call checkdnsrr() on Windows with PHP 5.3
* [PHPBB3-9609] - Use send_status_line instead of calling header
* [PHPBB3-9611] - Increase entropy in activation keys
* [PHPBB3-9612] - Split gen_rand_string() into gen_rand_string() and gen_rand_string_friendly()
* [PHPBB3-9629] - sid parameter forced for style.php makes caching difficult
* [PHPBB3-9659] - Default phpBB signature user_options need to be set for convertors
* [PHPBB3-9690] - MSN Bot will become Bing Bot
* [PHPBB3-9777] - Print useful error message in pre-commit hook when php is not installed.
* [PHPBB3-9785] - Not able to recover a password when board disabled
* [PHPBB3-9825] - Run tests on sqlite if available and no test db configured
* [PHPBB3-9827] - IE9 Beta fixes IE8 textarea bug
* [PHPBB3-9830] - Awkward message when config.php is missing
* [PHPBB3-9850] - Allow version checker to display information on multiple releases
* [PHPBB3-9853] - Change default reCAPTCHA theme in Prosilver & Subsilver2 to better coordinate with style color scheme
* [PHPBB3-9880] - Rename all mentions of CAPTCHA or visual confirmation to anti-bot
* [PHPBB3-9899] - Change the style in the ACP for the recaptcha to match that displayed on prosilver

New Feature

* [PHPBB3-9039] - Native SQL Server Support mssqlnative.php
* [PHPBB3-9511] - View note for moderators on unapproved posts/topics with unapproved posts in ATOM Feed.


* [PHPBB3-9520] - Add web.config files for IIS
* [PHPBB3-9625] - Update database UNIT-test
* [PHPBB3-9701] - Enable notices in unit tests
* [PHPBB3-9768] - Create git commit-msg hook that verifies the commit message conforms to our standards
* [PHPBB3-9769] - Add install and uninstall scripts for the git hooks
* [PHPBB3-9770] - Git commit message should be prefilled with branch and ticket information
* [PHPBB3-9800] - Update tracker URL in docs/./../support/documents.php?mode=readme&version=3
* [PHPBB3-9804] - Update docs/AUTHORS (DavidMJ & igorw)
* [PHPBB3-9808] - Git commit message hook depends on GNU wc
* [PHPBB3-9816] - Remove config.php from git repository
* [PHPBB3-9848] - Add phpBB data files to .gitignore.
* [PHPBB3-9849] - Create build script using phing
* [PHPBB3-9857] - Remove visible $Id: ./../support/documents.php?mode=changelog&version=3 10873 2010-11-20 17:15:18Z git-gate $ from docs files.
* [PHPBB3-9868] - Make the test suite run and pass using the mssqlnative driver
* [PHPBB3-9904] - Update WebPI Parameters.xml


* [PHPBB3-9517] - Remote avatar upload does not check the filesize before and during transfer.
* [PHPBB3-9562] - Advanced Search is inaccessible using the mssqlnative DBAL
* [PHPBB3-9564] - Reported messages are not assigned the default report reason when a reason is removed from the ACP using the mssqlnative DBAL
* [PHPBB3-9565] - It is impossible to create a custom profile field using the mssqlnative DBAL
* [PHPBB3-9566] - Two debug notices are displayed when setting a custom profile field though the UCP using the mssqlnative DBAL
* [PHPBB3-9583] - MSSQL native backups cannot be restored
* [PHPBB3-9606] - Drop redundant SQL query for unreads fetching
* [PHPBB3-9613] - Implement a load switch for unreads search feature.
* [PHPBB3-9817] - Make build script create blank config.php
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Hallo zusammen

Soeben habe ich den aktuellen Update gemacht. Bei Problemen bitte diese bei mir melden.
Besten Dank und weiterhin viel Spass im Forum.

Changes since 3.0.8

[PHPBB3-217] - Multiline [url] not Converted
[PHPBB3-6712] - Topic bumping does not create new topic icon on index
[PHPBB3-7057] - Quicksearch uses POST, thus the page expires!
[PHPBB3-7778] - Increase limit of custom BBcodes
[PHPBB3-7834] - Correctly update topic_time when deleting first post in topic
[PHPBB3-7888] - URL of search results page does not always contain all keywords of the search query
[PHPBB3-7941] - mistake in description of function generate_board_url
[PHPBB3-8138] - Browser autocompleton fills wrong fields in ACP
[PHPBB3-8736] - Honour ACP settings for min/max username length when posting as a guest.
[PHPBB3-8802] - Wrong confirmation text when clicking "mark forums read" in a category
[PHPBB3-8904] - Show numeric CPF default value when editing
[PHPBB3-9166] - Subsilver and prosilver CSS elements out of order.
[PHPBB3-9348] - Correctly encode default_dateformat when converting from phpBB2
[PHPBB3-9575] - The word "administrate" is not correct.
[PHPBB3-9630] - Naming inconsistency of Merging Posts / Topics in MCP
[PHPBB3-9675] - Add option to delete template/theme/imageset when deleting style.
[PHPBB3-9685] - Unable to create "Fulltext native" search index using the mssqlnative DBAL
[PHPBB3-9751] - Password requirement "Must contain letters and numbers" is not working properly
[PHPBB3-9764] - Empty value for CONFIG_TABLE config_name= 'mime_triggers' causes functions_fileupload.php->fileupload->check_content() to be too restrictive
[PHPBB3-9851] - "Search new posts" should require login
[PHPBB3-9872] - Total topics isn't correct after I deleted a user
[PHPBB3-9874] - view_log() performs unneeded count query over all log entries.
[PHPBB3-9892] - Firebird index name length limit is not taken into account
[PHPBB3-9905] - DSN field should include SQLite
[PHPBB3-9908] - Send "Moved Permanently" before stripping off session ids for Bots.
[PHPBB3-9910] - Javascript bug in Subsilver2 PMs
[PHPBB3-9911] - Incorrect open/close field in Manage ranks ACP
[PHPBB3-9913] - currunt should be current
[PHPBB3-9915] - "Length of ban:" is not displayed in ACP
[PHPBB3-9924] - $template->display hook does not pass $template instance
[PHPBB3-9925] - prosilver logo margin bug in IE 6-7-8
[PHPBB3-9928] - Do not link "login to your board" to the "send statistics" page after completed update.
[PHPBB3-9930] - Redirect fails with open_basedir enabled
[PHPBB3-9932] - The Bing bot is not added when converting.
[PHPBB3-9933] - Wrong handling of consecutive multiple asterisks in word censor
[PHPBB3-9934] - Mass Mail missing under the system tab on a fresh install
[PHPBB3-9939] - JavaScript error in recaptcha ACP template
[PHPBB3-9944] - Extension groups naming don't use users' language in ACP
[PHPBB3-9946] - $inserts empty in sql_query() for oracle
[PHPBB3-9948] - Inline quicktime files won't display
[PHPBB3-9949] - $user->lang() is not handling arguments as per documentation
[PHPBB3-9950] - Problem with localized button images after uprading from 3.0.7-PL1 to 3.0.8
[PHPBB3-9953] - Set focus to password on re-authentication
[PHPBB3-9954] - u_masspm* permissions are forced to never for certain groups
[PHPBB3-9961] - Inconsistent activation logs
[PHPBB3-9966] - Language download in ACP creates index.html and misses captcha_*
[PHPBB3-9970] - user_lang input not checked during registration
[PHPBB3-9981] - Fix unit test dependencies on phpBB files
[PHPBB3-9985] - 3D Wave CAPTCHA mt_rand() does not check order of min/max values
[PHPBB3-9997] - Inconsistent approve/disapprove button order in modcp
[PHPBB3-9999] - {forumrow.L_FORUM_FOLDER_ALT} and {SEARCH_IMG} only return a language key.
[PHPBB3-10005] - users can register without custom profile field correctly entered
[PHPBB3-10011] - __DIR__ in test suite renders it unusable on php < 5.3
[PHPBB3-10016] - set_config_count() fails on PostreSQL 7
[PHPBB3-10020] - ACP function validate_range() fails partially on non-32-bit systems
[PHPBB3-10021] - "Find a member" generates SQL error when large dates are entered
[PHPBB3-10029] - No such thing as $_SERVER['HTTP_VERSION']
[PHPBB3-10033] - "Disallow usernames" does not check already disallowed names
[PHPBB3-10035] - ACP template edit feature allows to read any files on webserver and to upload/execute any script on it
[PHPBB3-10036] - Use image from configuration file for displaying online-status.
[PHPBB3-10038] - download/file.php uses $_GET value instead of function request_var()
[PHPBB3-10039] - 2.x to 3.x conversion fails when using mssqlnative to connect to destination database
[PHPBB3-10042] - GD captcha has invalid mt_rand calls
[PHPBB3-10047] - Session ID always included in URL on posting.php
[PHPBB3-10049] - Session test files are misnamed, session tests are not run
[PHPBB3-10052] - Session tests are broken
[PHPBB3-10056] - Firebird misspelled in database updater
[PHPBB3-10058] - Root path is undefined in MySQL upgrader
[PHPBB3-10059] - Consistent is misspelled twice
[PHPBB3-10060] - Typo in tests database connection manager
[PHPBB3-10068] - Firefox4 restrictions to :visited
[PHPBB3-10078] - commit-msg hook prints \n on freebsd
[PHPBB3-10081] - Cleanup Template Tests
[PHPBB3-10084] - Add smilie errors out when image is missing
[PHPBB3-10088] - Cache mock does not unset database versions other than mysqli
[PHPBB3-10090] - cache/queue.php.lock isn't covered by .gitignore
[PHPBB3-10092] - commit-msg hook aborts on overlength comment lines
[PHPBB3-10096] - Wrong whitespace in functions.php
[PHPBB3-10100] - Race condition in unique_id() on heavily busy database.
[PHPBB3-10102] - member.S_PENDING_SET in styles/prosilver/template/ucp_groups_manage.html
[PHPBB3-10104] - missing one intval() along with others already being there
[PHPBB3-10109] - Errors while copying a topic
[PHPBB3-10112] - Use of count() in captcha_gd.php and mssqlnative.php
[PHPBB3-10115] - BBcodes not working if post contains about or more 55000 non-english symbols
[PHPBB3-10117] - Big posts becomes empty if they have smilies on specified places.
[PHPBB3-10121] - ICQ profile link leads to a webservice that is no longer active
[PHPBB3-10123] - Inconsistent use of smilie/smiley
[PHPBB3-10128] - Error message is on green background when trying to ban a nonexistent user
[PHPBB3-10137] - Deleting an unintended space at the end of PHP_URL_FOPEN_SUPPORT_EXPLAIN
[PHPBB3-10146] - Firebird cannot handle DECIMAL(255, 0)
[PHPBB3-10147] - Typo in code comment in functions_template.php
[PHPBB3-10149] - deregister_globals causes error when cookie called GLOBALS is set to scalar value
[PHPBB3-10170] - reCAPTCHA address has changed
[PHPBB3-10171] - Firefox4 displays grey pixels at PM message rows when message is neither marked nor replied
[PHPBB3-10177] - phpBB package cannot be built with bsdtar
[PHPBB3-10178] - build.xml does not specify path to find - breaks on FreeBSD
[PHPBB3-10188] - Broken compressed output when errors/warnings are handled by phpbb and output_buffering is set to 4096 and phpbb gzip is enabled
[PHPBB3-10191] - Duplicate output when output_handler is set in php.ini
[PHPBB3-10192] - Missing semicolon in MySQL Upgrader
[PHPBB3-10195] - Do not check DNS Blacklists if IPv6 address is passed to session::check_dnsbl().
[PHPBB3-10198] - Function validate_config_vars() improperly validates multibyte strings
[PHPBB3-10203] - Fix quotations and hyphen in language strings for PHPBB3-10067
[PHPBB3-10204] - Package build tool does not detect binary file changes
[PHPBB3-10206] - Normalization tests fail when is not reachable
[PHPBB3-10211] - Missing space on the recent PHPBB3-9992 changes
[PHPBB3-10213] - IP limit index name too long on Oracle
[PHPBB3-10214] - Cannot configure Q&A on Oracle
[PHPBB3-10218] - STRIP is not defined in style.php causing a notice to be thrown
[PHPBB3-10219] - Inappropriate character in web.config file
[PHPBB3-10220] - Logging in with Mobile Device triggers SQL error on *_login_attempts.
[PHPBB3-10221] - Inconsistent usage of "Seconds" in ACP Settings
[PHPBB3-7729] - Prevent date/time functions from throwing E_WARNING on PHP 5.3 by setting a default timezone
[PHPBB3-10188] - Broken compressed output when errors/warnings are handled by phpbb and output_buffering is set to 4096 and phpbb gzip is enabled
[PHPBB3-10223] - Updater references startup.php from board path
[PHPBB3-10228] - Typo in 3.0.9-RC1 user registration settings
[PHPBB3-10229] - On languge/acp/styles.php "%s" should be "%s"
[PHPBB3-10232] - Search within topic/forum searches all posts
[PHPBB3-10233] - IE Emulation fix breaks posting layout when PMing
[PHPBB3-10234] - msg_handler() reports E_WARNING as "PHP Notice: "
[PHPBB3-10247] - mediumint(8) too small for phpbb_login_attempts.attempt_id
[PHPBB3-10250] - phpBB Logo needs the Registered Trademark Symbol


[PHPBB3-9581] - Banned users get mass emails.
[PHPBB3-9802] - Optimize session_begin REMOTE_ADDR validation
[PHPBB3-9878] - Get rid of Internet Explorer 7 emulation
[PHPBB3-9897] - Language typos in language/en/acp/board.php
[PHPBB3-9922] - Posting URL in subsilver 2
[PHPBB3-9937] - Feed Icon displays on Forum links
[PHPBB3-9980] - URLs to javascript should be T_SUPER_TEMPLATE_PATH instead of T_TEMPLATE_PATH
[PHPBB3-9989] - Skip PM popup in overall_header.html, if there are no new PMs.
[PHPBB3-10007] - Add directive 'internal' to blocked folders in nginx example configuration.
[PHPBB3-10009] - Differentiate published/updated dates in Atom feed
[PHPBB3-10014] - Make the error message when cache is not writable clearer
[PHPBB3-10024] - Allow a Style to present Unread PM in different way than read PM
[PHPBB3-10040] - Continuous integration on PHP 5.2
[PHPBB3-10041] - download/file.php needs more use of send_status_line
[PHPBB3-10044] - Setup github network improvements
[PHPBB3-10057] - More informative reporting of errors when database connection fails for Firebird and PostgreSQL.
[PHPBB3-10067] - ACP options for account activation are confusing when emails are turned off board-wide
[PHPBB3-10069] - Improvements in sample nginx config file
[PHPBB3-10072] - Send the post number to the template as it relates to it's position in the topic
[PHPBB3-10101] - Compatibility with native phpass hashes
[PHPBB3-10126] - Replace ^ with &~ in error_reporting calls
[PHPBB3-10141] - Performance improvement for $auth->_fill_acl()
[PHPBB3-10145] - Ability to force recompilation of all templates on every page load
[PHPBB3-10154] - Move "copy permissions from" to below "parent" in forum creation form
[PHPBB3-10158] - Return link not really useful after sending a Private Message
[PHPBB3-10186] - UCP signature panel displays when not authed for signatures

New Feature

[PHPBB3-9942] - WinCache Caching Module
[PHPBB3-9992] - Limit amount of failed login attempts per IP
[PHPBB3-10110] - Redis caching module


[PHPBB3-9788] - Add README for GitHub
[PHPBB3-9805] - Add a script for setting up git remotes for a github network
[PHPBB3-9806] - Script for easy merging
[PHPBB3-9824] - Git hook quirks
[PHPBB3-9859] - Remove the years from visible copyright in the footer.
[PHPBB3-9921] - Add sample configuration for lighttpd webserver
[PHPBB3-9943] - Setup phpDocumentor API documentation generation
[PHPBB3-9967] - Use phpunit.xml for test suite
[PHPBB3-9987] - Enforce _test.php suffix for test files
[PHPBB3-9990] - Integrate utf normalizer tests into test suite
[PHPBB3-10043] - Refactor phpbb_database_test_case
[PHPBB3-10046] - Getting rid of register_shutdown_function() in cron.php to prevent path disclosure (reported by lacton)
[PHPBB3-10075] - Update docs/AUTHORS for 3.0.9-RC1 release
[PHPBB3-10079] - Add gallery avatars to .gitignore.
[PHPBB3-10082] - Fix Session Test Issues with CHAR vs. VARCHAR.
[PHPBB3-10105] - Update AIM express link and "Download Application" links
[PHPBB3-10107] - Improve docs for non-apache webserver configuration


[PHPBB3-9732] - Cover session code extensively in tests
[PHPBB3-9968] - Create unit test for word censor regular expression
[PHPBB3-9969] - Move word censor regular expression creation into separate function definition in functions.php

Gruss suntri
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Diese Nacht wurde auf PHP 5.3.5 umgestellt. Bitte nicht mehr funktionierende Dinge melden.

Besten Dank und weiterhin viel Spass im ee-forum
Gruss suntri
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Hallo zusammen

Der Update auf 3.0.9 liegt zwar schon etwas zurück doch ich zeige hier die Anpassungen noch auf. Bei Problemen bitte diese bei mir melden.
Besten Dank und weiterhin viel Spass im Forum.

Changes since 3.0.9

[PHPBB3-5506] - Deleting all items from last page results in empty list display
[PHPBB3-6458] - Width of Topics and Posts columns in Board Index is causing problems with language packs
[PHPBB3-6632] - Better viewing of topics for wide screen displays
[PHPBB3-7138] - Cannot display simple header/footer with trigger_error()
[PHPBB3-7291] - Broken links of char selection in memberlist
[PHPBB3-7932] - Fix font size in select boxes
[PHPBB3-8094] - Text in the forums.php and install.php not matching
[PHPBB3-8173] - Redundant BBCode helpline in JS
[PHPBB3-8177] - February 29th birthdays not shown in non-leap year
[PHPBB3-8571] - Users can make their age a negative number on memberlist
[PHPBB3-8691] - Error creating log_time index
[PHPBB3-8937] - Code tags - single space indent
[PHPBB3-8996] - Wrong position when adding BBCodes with accesskey in IE
[PHPBB3-9008] - Incorrect unread topic tracking for unapproved topics
[PHPBB3-9066] - Invalid Prefix Names Allowed
[PHPBB3-9416] - HTML entities in poll titles and options incorrectly re-encoded
[PHPBB3-9525] - Minimum characters per post/message should never be '0'
[PHPBB3-9645] - XHTML error on phpinfo page in ACP
[PHPBB3-9776] - When deleting and recreating a poll, old options aren't deleted and reappear with the new ones
[PHPBB3-9956] - No error message displayed when disapprove reason is invalid or empty
[PHPBB3-9976] - Direct post links open the wrong page of viewtopic when multiple posts are posted in the same second
[PHPBB3-9978] - Missing semicolons in // <![CDATA[ part of overall_header.html
[PHPBB3-10087] - Limited browser support for ban exclusion emphasis
[PHPBB3-10157] - Missing error handling when a custom profile field is not defined for current language
[PHPBB3-10166] - Post-admin activation email confusingly refers to username
[PHPBB3-10187] - XHTML error in ucp_groups_manage.html
[PHPBB3-10190] - Misleading information about permissions displayed after editing forum settings
[PHPBB3-10212] - Captcha not displayed when username not exists
[PHPBB3-10216] - Updater's failed query language grammatically incorrect
[PHPBB3-10226] - Mysqli dbal extension does not allow connection via pipes
[PHPBB3-10227] - Mysqli dbal extension does not allow persistent connection for PHP >= 5.3.0
[PHPBB3-10237] - Unwatching a forum/topic does not check for correct hash parameter
[PHPBB3-10240] - Word filter evasion
[PHPBB3-10253] - IE9 Quote problem
[PHPBB3-10255] - gitignore ignores too much
[PHPBB3-10257] - AAAA record parsing fails on older versions of Windows
[PHPBB3-10259] - Incorrect email on joining Open group
[PHPBB3-10265] - Unit test tests/random/mt_rand.php is not run because of missing _test suffix.
[PHPBB3-10266] - Poor navigation links after reporting a post
[PHPBB3-10267] - Missing strlen() on $table_prefix in db tools index name length check
[PHPBB3-10274] - Hardcoded module ID in "Re-check version" link on ACP front page
[PHPBB3-10275] - Wrong information about sent passwords in FAQ
[PHPBB3-10292] - Whitespace inconsistency in acp_ranks
[PHPBB3-10293] - Jumpbox allows jumping to invalid forums in prosilver
[PHPBB3-10294] - sqlsrv_rows_affected non-functional in MSSQLNative.php
[PHPBB3-10296] - incorrect cross join in SQL Server
[PHPBB3-10298] - EMBED Tag Not Closed Properly In subSilver2 attachment.html
[PHPBB3-10299] - Typo in comment about $max_store_length in truncate_string() (in functions_content.php)
[PHPBB3-10303] - send_status_line() doesn't validate user input
[PHPBB3-10304] - Bad url in U_ICQ on /ucp_mp_viewmessage.php
[PHPBB3-10307] - Return value of $db->sql_fetchrow() on empty tables is not consistent
[PHPBB3-10309] - Utf tests download data into temporary locations deep in source tree
[PHPBB3-10320] - "Most active topic" can leak topic title of topics in password-protected forums
[PHPBB3-10321] - Link to page 1 of the Memberlist has a useless question mark at the end
[PHPBB3-10324] - XHTML error in Prosilver - MCP - User Notes
[PHPBB3-10339] - Typo in prosilver's mcp_front.html
[PHPBB3-10341] - Topic title of "0" does not show as "Most active topic"
[PHPBB3-10351] - Invalid syntax for Oracle's sql_column_remove()
[PHPBB3-10352] - Missing break for Oracle's sql_table_drop()
[PHPBB3-10365] - Moderators can view forbidden information
[PHPBB3-10377] - All moderators can change topic type
[PHPBB3-10394] - Tests use call-time pass by reference which results in Fatal error on PHP 5.4
[PHPBB3-10397] - Pagination code inconsistency
[PHPBB3-10400] - '0' (zero) not allowed as forum name
[PHPBB3-10408] - Layout of topics/attachments list is broken in UCP and MCP
[PHPBB3-10413] - Make create_schema_files usable
[PHPBB3-10416] - Use dbport in phpbb_database_test_connection_manager::connect()
[PHPBB3-10420] - Update startup to account for PHP 5.4
[PHPBB3-10421] - Interchanged parameters in includes/acp/acp_users.php
[PHPBB3-10422] - Unnecessary <!-- IF --> statement in viewtopic_body.html
[PHPBB3-10435] - Topic count mismatch on viewforum
[PHPBB3-10437] - Announcements on moderation queue are not hidden
[PHPBB3-10446] - Unencoded 8bit characters in email headers
[PHPBB3-10452] - XHTML error when printing a PM
[PHPBB3-10461] - MCP's recent actions list is empty
[PHPBB3-10479] - Remove PostgreSQL version numbers from driver's language string
[PHPBB3-10485] - XHTML error in Prosilver - index and viewforum
[PHPBB3-10488] - Database updater for 3.0.10-RC1 overwrites config variable email_max_chunk_size without checking for custom value
[PHPBB3-10490] - MCP Layout broken in ProSilver when screen is resized to less 1200 pixels
[PHPBB3-10497] - SQL error when guest visits forum with unread topic


[PHPBB3-8616] - Add direct link to PM to notification message
[PHPBB3-9036] - Forums that can be listed but not red expose forum information
[PHPBB3-9297] - Add support for Extended Passive Mode (EPSV) in class ftp_fsock to better support IPv6 connections.
[PHPBB3-9307] - Mass email $max_chunk_size
[PHPBB3-9361] - Edit account settings - Improved clarification needed
[PHPBB3-9778] - Member Search from the Admin Control Panel is not Intuitive
[PHPBB3-9898] - Readme needs updating to reflect more opening for patches
[PHPBB3-9995] - Unnecessary coding in display_forums() in functions_display.php
[PHPBB3-10032] - BBCode Add List Item Control Name Contains Typo
[PHPBB3-10074] - Change default value of 'Set as special rank' to No for Add new rank
[PHPBB3-10185] - Board startdate not being set
[PHPBB3-10189] - Add "automatically generated" comment into schema-files.
[PHPBB3-10199] - Performance: viewtopic has a useless join
[PHPBB3-10222] - Also build language and styles changes in diff/patch format
[PHPBB3-10239] - Add "Are you sure" confirmation to backup restore in ACP
[PHPBB3-10243] - Add gmgetdate() wrapper for getdate() which returns dates in UTC.
[PHPBB3-10245] - Messenger uses output buffering for error collection, should use error collector instead
[PHPBB3-10246] - Remove VCS section from docs/coding-guidelines.html
[PHPBB3-10254] - Remove style names from themes and fix some information on it
[PHPBB3-10263] - Add phpbb_version_compare() wrapper for version_compare()
[PHPBB3-10278] - Improve timeout handling in get_remote_file()
[PHPBB3-10315] - Radio Buttons in ACP are clipped in Safari - Fix suggested
[PHPBB3-10327] - Use "ALTER TABLE ... ADD INDEX" instead of "CREATE INDEX"
[PHPBB3-10334] - Birthday List display not dependent on user privileges
[PHPBB3-10335] - Responses to bots should have extra header to be used by reverse proxies
[PHPBB3-10346] - Add drop_tables key for database updater
[PHPBB3-10354] - When template tests are skipped because cache is not writable, print cache directory path
[PHPBB3-10369] - Change error collector to always report errfile and errline
[PHPBB3-10370] - Various improvements for get_backtrace()
[PHPBB3-10402] - Displaying report texts with linebreaks and clickable links
[PHPBB3-10419] - Add mbstring PHP ini parameters checks to ACP
[PHPBB3-10430] - Some typos and the like in docs/coding-guidelines.html

New Feature

[PHPBB3-8240] - Request: db_tools to have two additional functions, table list and column list


[PHPBB3-9689] - Scripts and utilities
[PHPBB3-10003] - Resolve db_tools proliferation
[PHPBB3-10313] - Include slow unit tests when running build script
[PHPBB3-10483] - Test suite does not run with MySQL strict mode
[PHPBB3-10486] - Create git shortlog and git diff --stat in build script
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Soeben wurde das Forum auf 3.0.10 angehoben. Bitte entschuldigt die kurze Unterbrechung. Bei Problemen bitte diese bei mir melden.
Besten Dank und weiterhin viel Spass im Forum.

Changes since 3.0.9

[PHPBB3-5506] - Deleting all items from last page results in empty list display
[PHPBB3-6458] - Width of Topics and Posts columns in Board Index is causing problems with language packs
[PHPBB3-7138] - Cannot display simple header/footer with trigger_error()
[PHPBB3-7291] - Broken links of char selection in memberlist
[PHPBB3-7932] - Fix font size in select boxes
[PHPBB3-8094] - Text in the forums.php and install.php not matching
[PHPBB3-8173] - Redundant BBCode helpline in JS
[PHPBB3-8177] - February 29th birthdays not shown in non-leap year
[PHPBB3-8571] - Users can make their age a negative number on memberlist
[PHPBB3-8691] - Error creating log_time index
[PHPBB3-8937] - Code tags - single space indent
[PHPBB3-9008] - Incorrect unread topic tracking for unapproved topics
[PHPBB3-9066] - Invalid Prefix Names Allowed
[PHPBB3-9416] - HTML entities in poll titles and options incorrectly re-encoded
[PHPBB3-9525] - Minimum characters per post/message should never be '0'
[PHPBB3-9645] - XHTML error on phpinfo page in ACP
[PHPBB3-9776] - When deleting and recreating a poll, old options aren't deleted and reappear with the new ones
[PHPBB3-9956] - No error message displayed when disapprove reason is invalid or empty
[PHPBB3-9976] - Direct post links open the wrong page of viewtopic when multiple posts are posted in the same second
[PHPBB3-9978] - Missing semicolons in // <![CDATA[ part of overall_header.html
[PHPBB3-10087] - Limited browser support for ban exclusion emphasis
[PHPBB3-10157] - Missing error handling when a custom profile field is not defined for current language
[PHPBB3-10166] - Post-admin activation email confusingly refers to username
[PHPBB3-10187] - XHTML error in ucp_groups_manage.html
[PHPBB3-10190] - Misleading information about permissions displayed after editing forum settings
[PHPBB3-10212] - Captcha not displayed when username not exists
[PHPBB3-10216] - Updater's failed query language grammatically incorrect
[PHPBB3-10226] - Mysqli dbal extension does not allow connection via pipes
[PHPBB3-10227] - Mysqli dbal extension does not allow persistent connection for PHP >= 5.3.0
[PHPBB3-10237] - Unwatching a forum/topic does not check for correct hash parameter
[PHPBB3-10240] - Word filter evasion
[PHPBB3-10253] - IE9 Quote problem
[PHPBB3-10255] - gitignore ignores too much
[PHPBB3-10257] - AAAA record parsing fails on older versions of Windows
[PHPBB3-10259] - Incorrect email on joining Open group
[PHPBB3-10265] - Unit test tests/random/mt_rand.php is not run because of missing _test suffix.
[PHPBB3-10266] - Poor navigation links after reporting a post
[PHPBB3-10267] - Missing strlen() on $table_prefix in db tools index name length check
[PHPBB3-10274] - Hardcoded module ID in "Re-check version" link on ACP front page
[PHPBB3-10275] - Wrong information about sent passwords in FAQ
[PHPBB3-10292] - Whitespace inconsistency in acp_ranks
[PHPBB3-10293] - Jumpbox allows jumping to invalid forums in prosilver
[PHPBB3-10294] - sqlsrv_rows_affected non-functional in MSSQLNative.php
[PHPBB3-10296] - incorrect cross join in SQL Server
[PHPBB3-10298] - EMBED Tag Not Closed Properly In subSilver2 attachment.html
[PHPBB3-10299] - Typo in comment about $max_store_length in truncate_string() (in functions_content.php)
[PHPBB3-10303] - send_status_line() doesn't validate user input
[PHPBB3-10304] - Bad url in U_ICQ on /ucp_mp_viewmessage.php
[PHPBB3-10307] - Return value of $db->sql_fetchrow() on empty tables is not consistent
[PHPBB3-10309] - Utf tests download data into temporary locations deep in source tree
[PHPBB3-10320] - "Most active topic" can leak topic title of topics in password-protected forums
[PHPBB3-10321] - Link to page 1 of the Memberlist has a useless question mark at the end
[PHPBB3-10324] - XHTML error in Prosilver - MCP - User Notes
[PHPBB3-10339] - Typo in prosilver's mcp_front.html
[PHPBB3-10341] - Topic title of "0" does not show as "Most active topic"
[PHPBB3-10351] - Invalid syntax for Oracle's sql_column_remove()
[PHPBB3-10352] - Missing break for Oracle's sql_table_drop()
[PHPBB3-10365] - Moderators can view forbidden information
[PHPBB3-10377] - All moderators can change topic type
[PHPBB3-10394] - Tests use call-time pass by reference which results in Fatal error on PHP 5.4
[PHPBB3-10397] - Pagination code inconsistency
[PHPBB3-10400] - '0' (zero) not allowed as forum name
[PHPBB3-10413] - Make create_schema_files usable
[PHPBB3-10416] - Use dbport in phpbb_database_test_connection_manager::connect()
[PHPBB3-10420] - Update startup to account for PHP 5.4
[PHPBB3-10421] - Interchanged parameters in includes/acp/acp_users.php
[PHPBB3-10422] - Unnecessary <!-- IF --> statement in viewtopic_body.html
[PHPBB3-10435] - Topic count mismatch on viewforum
[PHPBB3-10437] - Announcements on moderation queue are not hidden
[PHPBB3-10446] - Unencoded 8bit characters in email headers
[PHPBB3-10452] - XHTML error when printing a PM
[PHPBB3-10461] - MCP's recent actions list is empty
[PHPBB3-10479] - Remove PostgreSQL version numbers from driver's language string
[PHPBB3-10485] - XHTML error in Prosilver - index and viewforum
[PHPBB3-10488] - Database updater for 3.0.10-RC1 overwrites config variable email_max_chunk_size without checking for custom value
[PHPBB3-10497] - SQL error when guest visits forum with unread topic
[PHPBB3-10319] - Missing hidden fields in search form
[PHPBB3-10501] - Description of table prefix is wrong
[PHPBB3-10502] - ./../support/documents.php?mode=changelog&version=3 has a typo: 'red' should be 'read'.
[PHPBB3-10503] - Debug error when previewing edits
[PHPBB3-10504] - MCP Layout STILL broken in ProSilver when screen is resized to less 1200 pixels
[PHPBB3-10531] - Last remaining style can be uninstalled


[PHPBB3-8616] - Add direct link to PM to notification message
[PHPBB3-9036] - Forums that can be listed but not read expose forum information
[PHPBB3-9297] - Add support for Extended Passive Mode (EPSV) in class ftp_fsock to better support IPv6 connections.
[PHPBB3-9307] - Mass email $max_chunk_size
[PHPBB3-9361] - Edit account settings - Improved clarification needed
[PHPBB3-9778] - Member Search from the Admin Control Panel is not Intuitive
[PHPBB3-9898] - Readme needs updating to reflect more opening for patches
[PHPBB3-9995] - Unnecessary coding in display_forums() in functions_display.php
[PHPBB3-10032] - BBCode Add List Item Control Name Contains Typo
[PHPBB3-10074] - Change default value of 'Set as special rank' to No for Add new rank
[PHPBB3-10185] - Board startdate not being set
[PHPBB3-10189] - Add "automatically generated" comment into schema-files.
[PHPBB3-10199] - Performance: viewtopic has a useless join
[PHPBB3-10222] - Also build language and styles changes in diff/patch format
[PHPBB3-10239] - Add "Are you sure" confirmation to backup restore in ACP
[PHPBB3-10243] - Add gmgetdate() wrapper for getdate() which returns dates in UTC.
[PHPBB3-10245] - Messenger uses output buffering for error collection, should use error collector instead
[PHPBB3-10246] - Remove VCS section from docs/coding-guidelines.html
[PHPBB3-10254] - Remove style names from themes and fix some information on it
[PHPBB3-10263] - Add phpbb_version_compare() wrapper for version_compare()
[PHPBB3-10278] - Improve timeout handling in get_remote_file()
[PHPBB3-10315] - Radio Buttons in ACP are clipped in Safari - Fix suggested
[PHPBB3-10327] - Use "ALTER TABLE ... ADD INDEX" instead of "CREATE INDEX"
[PHPBB3-10334] - Birthday List display not dependent on user privileges
[PHPBB3-10335] - Responses to bots should have extra header to be used by reverse proxies
[PHPBB3-10346] - Add drop_tables key for database updater
[PHPBB3-10354] - When template tests are skipped because cache is not writable, print cache directory path
[PHPBB3-10369] - Change error collector to always report errfile and errline
[PHPBB3-10370] - Various improvements for get_backtrace()
[PHPBB3-10402] - Displaying report texts with linebreaks and clickable links
[PHPBB3-10419] - Add mbstring PHP ini parameters checks to ACP
[PHPBB3-10430] - Some typos and the like in docs/coding-guidelines.html

New Feature

[PHPBB3-8240] - Request: db_tools to have two additional functions, table list and column list


[PHPBB3-9689] - Scripts and utilities
[PHPBB3-10003] - Resolve db_tools proliferation
[PHPBB3-10313] - Include slow unit tests when running build script
[PHPBB3-10483] - Test suite does not run with MySQL strict mode
[PHPBB3-10486] - Create git shortlog and git diff --stat in build script
[PHPBB3-10480] - Automate changelog building
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Soeben wurde das Forum auf 3.0.11 angehoben. Bitte entschuldigt die kurze Unterbrechung. Bei Problemen bitte diese bei mir melden.
Besten Dank und weiterhin viel Spass im Forum.

Changes since 3.0.10

[PHPBB3-7432] - Unclear language for Inactive Users on ACP main page
[PHPBB3-8652] - Duplicate Emails Sent When Subscribed to Forum and Topic
[PHPBB3-9079] - Display backtrace on all E_USER_ERROR errors, not only SQL errors (when DEBUG_EXTRA is enabled)
[PHPBB3-9084] - Unable to display 'option equal to non entered value' if dropdown CPF is not required
[PHPBB3-9089] - PM message title box not accessible via Tab key
[PHPBB3-9220] - Blue border width when table in a div
[PHPBB3-9681] - Password length not in security settings
[PHPBB3-9813] - fulltext_native.php on innodb loading deadly slow for big indexes
[PHPBB3-9831] - Cannot change default of Boolean checkbox custom profile field
[PHPBB3-10094] - Clear cache before phpBB installation
[PHPBB3-10129] - Missing apostrophes in ACP user management -> permissions
[PHPBB3-10349] - Unit tests do not remove comments from schemas
[PHPBB3-10399] - Special characters aren't parsed in style component variables
[PHPBB3-10401] - auth_ldap has an incorrect return value in login_ldap()
[PHPBB3-10407] - Incorrect check for empty image file paths during conversion
[PHPBB3-10428] - optionget/optionset functions in session.php and acp_users.php incorrectly check whether $data is at its default value
[PHPBB3-10456] - Subsilver2 does not define $CAPTCHA_TAB_INDEX
[PHPBB3-10508] - Marking forums as read displays misleading language
[PHPBB3-10511] - Grammar defect in permissions language
[PHPBB3-10512] - Test failure when no default timezone is set in php
[PHPBB3-10532] - Out of range $start causes a page with no search results but with pagination
[PHPBB3-10538] - Special character are not correctly parsed for SMTP protocol
[PHPBB3-10542] - Incorrect class="postlink" in styles/subsilver2/template/faq_body.html
[PHPBB3-10546] - Argument missing for adm_back_link() in acp_captcha.php
[PHPBB3-10561] - All users can choose deactivated styles.
[PHPBB3-10569] - template/ucp_main_front.html does not correctly handle active topic with the name "0"
[PHPBB3-10580] - Default tz in registration dropdown not the same as the board default tz
[PHPBB3-10589] - user_birthday does not use table alias in $leap_year_birthdays variable definition
[PHPBB3-10605] - Orpahned privmsgs are left in the prvmsgs table, with no ties in privmsgs_to table
[PHPBB3-10606] - $s_hidden_fields -> incorrect array name (3 files affected)
[PHPBB3-10611] - Add a check for selected tables existence for ACP database backup tool
[PHPBB3-10615] - Static calls in utf normalizer yield E_STRICT spam on php 5.4
[PHPBB3-10630] - Prune Users produced unnecessarily long query; Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes
[PHPBB3-10633] - Users are able to get the real filename of attachment
[PHPBB3-10639] - negative value of ranks message
[PHPBB3-10658] - Rank-item is not shown on team-list
[PHPBB3-10675] - Use more descriptive message when disk is out of space
[PHPBB3-10684] - Function user_notification() prevents notifications for users with stale bans
[PHPBB3-10689] - Bug in the popup " Find a member" when select by letter.
[PHPBB3-10691] - Search index creation CLI script incorrectly calculates indexing speed
[PHPBB3-10699] - Long h2 title breaks div.minitabs in MCP
[PHPBB3-10708] - After a conversion, passwords with UTF8 characters do not work when user_pass_convert is set.
[PHPBB3-10717] - memberlist_view.html: including admin defined profile fields doesnt work
[PHPBB3-10723] - Do not use SQLite on PHP 5.4 in Tests on Travis
[PHPBB3-10731] - JS function addquote() works incorrectly in Opera
[PHPBB3-10751] - MS SQL Error when searching Admin Log
[PHPBB3-10760] - In pre-commit git hook, syntax error is thrown, but is not specifically described
[PHPBB3-10767] - Git hooks do not work properly with git GUIs
[PHPBB3-10774] - db_tools::create_unique_index does not use specified index names on MySQL
[PHPBB3-10790] - Strict comparison on user_id for sending pms
[PHPBB3-10797] - Template var for user rank not filled
[PHPBB3-10835] - Misleading message in UCP when no permission to change password
[PHPBB3-10846] - Missing alias for MAX(post_id) in SQL query in acp_main.php
[PHPBB3-10849] - Missing BBCode Help Text in subsilver2
[PHPBB3-10858] - $db->sql_fetchfield returns false with mssqlnative
[PHPBB3-10860] - Side-by-side diff styling javascript bug
[PHPBB3-10881] - Some files use 0xA9 as the copyright symbol which is neither ASCII nor the UTF8 copyright symbol.
[PHPBB3-10887] - Auto increment tests depend on varbinary handling
[PHPBB3-10889] - Default value for c_char_size in database unit tests is an empty string instead of a char(4)
[PHPBB3-10890] - test_sql_fetchrow_returns_false_when_empty() fails on MSSQL and Oracle
[PHPBB3-10908] - No remote avatar size limit results in files limited only by PHP memory limit
[PHPBB3-10913] - Admin is logged out when accessing any url under adm/ without session id


[PHPBB3-8599] - Add "Select All" to "Add multiple smilies" screen
[PHPBB3-8636] - Add resync option to topic_view moderation page
[PHPBB3-9876] - Names and descriptions for roles "Newly registered User" in "User roles" and "Forum roles" must be different
[PHPBB3-9914] - Add backup warning to Automatic DB Updater
[PHPBB3-9916] - License in header not linking to version 2 of GNU GPL
[PHPBB3-10093] - Make commit-msg hook always not fatal
[PHPBB3-10162] - Allow TLDs over 6 characters in email addresses
[PHPBB3-10280] - Change the ACP user activation display
[PHPBB3-10308] - Disable Retain/Delete Posts selection if the user has no posts.
[PHPBB3-10453] - PM viewmessage page is misplacing the online icon
[PHPBB3-10492] - Port functional tests to develop-olympus
[PHPBB3-10507] - Sort installed styles list in admin control panel - styles
[PHPBB3-10550] - Sort not installed styles list in admin control panel - styles
[PHPBB3-10563] - ACP usability improvement: show deactivated styles below active styles in styles list
[PHPBB3-10565] - Performance: Unneeded GROUP BY in update_forum_tracking_info
[PHPBB3-10607] - phpBB Credit Line Hardcoded
[PHPBB3-10653] - Add ability to count table rows to database abstraction layer
[PHPBB3-10730] - Add label tags around "select" text in post splitting UI in MCP
[PHPBB3-10764] - FAQ mentions SourceForge
[PHPBB3-10812] - Installer should not display register globals UI for php 5.4+
[PHPBB3-10815] - Enable Feeds by default
[PHPBB3-10819] - Improve side-by-side diff styling
[PHPBB3-10834] - Backport general development language changes in readme files
[PHPBB3-10836] - Enable Avatars by default
[PHPBB3-10891] - Allow specifying test config file name via environment variable
[PHPBB3-10892] - Cosmetic improvements to RUNNING_TESTS.txt
[PHPBB3-10898] - Do not write ?> into config.php to avoid whitespace output

New Feature

[PHPBB3-10616] - Add template inheritance by default


[PHPBB3-10907] - Mark (var)binary tests as incomplete on non-MySQL DBMSes


[PHPBB3-9896] - Update links in docs/readme.html
[PHPBB3-10434] - Add a script that allows creating a search index from CLI
[PHPBB3-10455] - Remove NOTE from header files
[PHPBB3-10694] - Update notification in ACP (Olympus) for increase of minimum PHP version to 5.3.2
[PHPBB3-10718] - Add Travis CI
[PHPBB3-10788] - Update docs/AUTHORS for 3.0.11-RC1
[PHPBB3-10909] - Update Travis Test Configuration: Travis no longer supports PHP 5.3.2
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Soeben wurde das Forum auf 3.0.12 angehoben. Bitte entschuldigt die kurze Unterbrechung. Bei Problemen bitte diese bei mir melden.
Besten Dank und weiterhin viel Spass im Forum.


[PHPBB3-6723] - Empty message in deleted messages in PM history
[PHPBB3-7262] - Clarify docs about is_dynamic not being updated by set_config()
[PHPBB3-8319] - LOCAL_URL not enforced in bbcodes
[PHPBB3-9551] - Mysql fulltext index creation fails due to partial collation change
[PHPBB3-9975] - Hard coded language in sessions.php
[PHPBB3-10184] - Bots can be sent private messages
[PHPBB3-10491] - Fatal error in functional tests when server returns 404
[PHPBB3-10568] - Modify the trigger language when you edit a PM
[PHPBB3-10602] - A bug in mail queue processing
[PHPBB3-10661] - UCP > PM > Compose > enumerated recipients > BCC group misses a &nbsp; (prosilver)
[PHPBB3-10678] - Provide Firebird, Oracle, and increased MSSQL support in unit tests
[PHPBB3-10772] - trigger_error is using the default style
[PHPBB3-10789] - PM print template (prosilver) with unnecessary variables
[PHPBB3-10820] - Display images directly in IE9 and 10 instead of download
[PHPBB3-10828] - PostgreSQL dbal tests try to connect to the database named as user specified in configuration
[PHPBB3-10838] - Functional tests are not mentioned in RUNNING_TESTS.txt
[PHPBB3-10840] - If you add a member to a group, the form_token can be set to 0 if the creation_time is 0 too. Maybe even if creation_time is unchanged.
[PHPBB3-10848] - Wrong redirect to installer from acp
[PHPBB3-10850] - create_schema_files.php is not creating the oracle or postgres' schema file properly
[PHPBB3-10879] - prosilver: attachment-link will be displayed wrong, when filename is too long
[PHPBB3-10880] - m_approve should not imply f_noapprove
[PHPBB3-10896] - board_email & board_contact are not validated as email addresses in ACP
[PHPBB3-10897] - Bot Definitions are outdated
[PHPBB3-10918] - docs/./../support/documents.php?mode=install&version=3 claims there are tar.gz packages
[PHPBB3-10943] - Search Box should display keywords entered by the user
[PHPBB3-10967] - PHPBB_USE_BOARD_URL_PATH not implemented in posting_gen_topic_icons
[PHPBB3-10986] - Invalid email message ids because config variable server_name is used even when force server URL settings is disabled
[PHPBB3-10995] - Return value of $db->sql_fetchrow() on empty tables is not consistent on mssqlnative
[PHPBB3-10996] - Travis tests fail on Postgres because database does not exist
[PHPBB3-11034] - The functional test case framework does not install a full board each time
[PHPBB3-11066] - MSSQLnative driver contains debug code error_reporting(E_ALL)
[PHPBB3-11069] - missing closing span in subsilver2 simple_footer.html
[PHPBB3-11081] - Duplicated /TD in styles/subsilver2/template/catpcha_qa.html
[PHPBB3-11093] - acp_users_overview.html has a wrongly placed </dd>
[PHPBB3-11094] - prosilver: searching for users: no textbox for Jabber
[PHPBB3-11105] - Missing mandatory space in meta http-equiv=refresh
[PHPBB3-11112] - phpBB Footer Link should be SSL
[PHPBB3-11122] - Update docs/AUTHORS for 3.0.12-RC1
[PHPBB3-11144] - {FORUM_NAME} is not filled in login mask when logging into a password protected forum
[PHPBB3-11145] - ATTACHED_IMAGE_NOT_IMAGE thrown because of file limit in php.ini
[PHPBB3-11158] - modules table lacks acl_u_sig for signature module
[PHPBB3-11159] - Coding guidelines: static public
[PHPBB3-11164] - Composer not finding symfony/config in PHP 5.3.3
[PHPBB3-11178] - database_update.php should not set error_reporting to E_ALL
[PHPBB3-11186] - Database unit tests fail on windows using sqlite2
[PHPBB3-11190] - Functional tests do not clear the cache between each test
[PHPBB3-11196] - /includes/session.php sends 401 HTTP status with "Not authorized" instead of "Unauthorized"
[PHPBB3-11219] - Database sequences are not updated for tests using fixtures with auto_incremented columns
[PHPBB3-11227] - @return void -> @return null
[PHPBB3-11233] - Anonymous can be selected as a PM recipient
[PHPBB3-11248] - CRLF line endings
[PHPBB3-11262] - .lock files are not in .gitignore
[PHPBB3-11265] - Functional tests do not assert that board installation succeeded
[PHPBB3-11269] - Travis functional test case errors
[PHPBB3-11278] - Firebird tables are not removed correctly on 3.0.9-rc1 update
[PHPBB3-11291] - "Could not open input file: ../composer.phar" error during phing's create-package
[PHPBB3-11292] - Newlines removed in display of PM reports, no clickable links in PM reports
[PHPBB3-11301] - "String offset cast occured" error on PHP 5.4
[PHPBB3-11304] - check_form_key breaks in tests when form is submitted in the same second it is retrieved
[PHPBB3-11343] - Loose string comparison during new password activation
[PHPBB3-11355] - Incorrect error message when no user selected for action on group membership management page
[PHPBB3-11358] - Success message even withot selecting a user and performing a group operation
[PHPBB3-11361] - "Array to string conversion" error in $user->format_date()
[PHPBB3-11493] - Functional tests should fail if any debug output is made
[PHPBB3-11517] - Numbering is wrong in coding guidelines
[PHPBB3-11536] - Installer incorrectly removes /install from script_path
[PHPBB3-11537] - UCP group manage page's error box differs heavily from the rest of the UCP
[PHPBB3-11538] - SQL error on UCP groups manage page caused by setting color to 7 characters long string
[PHPBB3-11544] - Add admin_login() to 3.0 functional test case
[PHPBB3-11545] - is_absolute() should not depend on DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
[PHPBB3-11546] - is_absolute() throws E_NOTICE for empty string
[PHPBB3-11547] - Test fixtures do not support utf8 characters
[PHPBB3-11548] - Untranslated TOO_SHORT in UCP "Manage Groups"
[PHPBB3-11566] - Reporting a post should require a captcha to be solved by guests
[PHPBB3-11568] - Functional tests fail with retrieving install pages using file_get_contents
[PHPBB3-11575] - phpbb_dbal_order_lower_test::test_cross_join should be called test_order_lower
[PHPBB3-11578] - Missing underscore after function prefix in validate_data()
[PHPBB3-11579] - Add unit tests for validate_data()
[PHPBB3-11580] - Avoid API Limit from composer downloads on github
[PHPBB3-11588] - install/install_update.php should use instead of www
[PHPBB3-11590] - Close database connections from tests whenever possible
[PHPBB3-11601] - Allow manual resync of database columns in unit tests not only on fixture load
[PHPBB3-11603] - git-tools use invalid api urls
[PHPBB3-11604] - Functional tests fail when phpBB can not create the config file
[PHPBB3-11617] - Missing U_ACTION in acp_captcha.php
[PHPBB3-11618] - Template tests fail on some systems due to a PHP error in glob()
[PHPBB3-11619] - get_remote_file() should use HTTP 1.0
[PHPBB3-11630] - Improvements to the PHP lint pre-commit hook
[PHPBB3-11644] - Skip phpbb_dbal_order_lower_test on MySQL 5.6
[PHPBB3-11662] - "occured" should be "occurred"
[PHPBB3-11670] - Replace trademark ™ with ® on "Welcome to phpBB" install page
[PHPBB3-11674] - Do not include vendor folder if there are no dependencies.
[PHPBB3-11524] - MySQL Upgrader throws warnings on PHP 5.4
[PHPBB3-11720] - Reporting posts leads to white page error
[PHPBB3-11769] - Wrong poster in subscription email when poster is using the Quote button
[PHPBB3-11775] - Error while moving posts to a new topic
[PHPBB3-11802] - Undefined variable $browser in /download/file.php


[PHPBB3-8743] - New topic / reply notifications do not contain author's name.
[PHPBB3-10050] - subsilver2: Do not show "Mark topics as read" when there are no topics
[PHPBB3-10205] - More informative reporting of errors when database connection fails (MySQL and others)
[PHPBB3-10716] - PHP-parse all php files as part of the test suite
[PHPBB3-10841] - Disable style and language selectors if there's only one installed.
[PHPBB3-10854] - sql server drop default constraint when dropping column
[PHPBB3-10865] - Updated and Added to docs/./../support/documents.php?mode=install&version=3
[PHPBB3-10873] - Change language entry for deleted PMs
[PHPBB3-10981] - Upgrade Goutte and use Composer for Installation
[PHPBB3-11131] - Phrasing & semantics of Board settings
[PHPBB3-11162] - Get rid of $db->sql_return_on_error(true) trickery when splitting/merging topics
[PHPBB3-11192] - Add Tebibyte to get_formatted_filesize()
[PHPBB3-11202] - Add response status checks to functional tests
[PHPBB3-11220] - Improve tooltip explaining the
  • - BBcode
    [PHPBB3-11238] - Specify goutte version
    [PHPBB3-11285] - Use more granularity in dependency checks in compress test
    [PHPBB3-11293] - Prefer mysqli over mysql due to php 5.5 alpha 2 deprecating mysql
    [PHPBB3-11294] - Update extension list in running tests doc
    [PHPBB3-11368] - Latest pm reports row count
    [PHPBB3-11583] - InnoDB supports FULLTEXT index since MySQL 5.6.4.
    [PHPBB3-11740] - Update link in FAQ to Ideas Centre
    [PHPBB3-11873] - Prevent expensive hash computation in phpbb_check_hash() by rejecting very long passwords


    [PHPBB3-10974] - Move tests/mock_user.php to tests/mock/user.php
    [PHPBB3-11009] - Backport phing build.xml from develop to develop-olympus so it uses composer.
    [PHPBB3-11540] - Add unit tests for (phpbb_)is_absolute()
    [PHPBB3-11541] - Add unit tests for style_select() in functions.php
    [PHPBB3-11542] - Add unit tests for language_select() in functions.php
    [PHPBB3-11543] - Add unit tests for obtain online functions in functions.php


    [PHPBB3-10877] - Have bamboo generate and publish a phpBB package for every build.
    [PHPBB3-11045] - Add unit tests for the compress class
    [PHPBB3-11059] - Fix README logo
    [PHPBB3-11060] - Fix travis.yml pyrus config
    [PHPBB3-11240] - Turn on PHPUnit's verbose mode on Travis
    [PHPBB3-11324] - Add PHP 5.5 environment on Travis-CI
    [PHPBB3-11337] - Run functional tests on Travis CI
    [PHPBB3-11513] - Install PHPUnit via Composer's require-dev to simplify test running (no need for pear)
    [PHPBB3-11526] - Increase composer minimum-stability from beta to stable
    [PHPBB3-11527] - Upgrade composer.phar to 1.0.0-alpha7
    [PHPBB3-11529] - Rename RUNNING_TESTS file to .md file to render it on GitHub
    [PHPBB3-11576] - Make phpBB Test Suite MySQL behave at least as strict as phpBB MySQL driver
    [PHPBB3-11671] - Add phing/phing to composer.json
    [PHPBB3-11752] - Update URLs to https in email templates
    [PHPBB3-11753] - Upgrade mysql_upgrader.php schema data.
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Fast schon Admin
Fast schon Admin
Beiträge: 676
Registriert: 09.02.2011, 16:07
Wohnort: Berlin

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von JeanLuc7 »

Salut Suntri,

hast es sicher schon selbst gesehen - das Logo links oben ist beim Update verloren gegangen.

Grüße, Frank
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Ja habe ich auch gesehen. Doch leider noch keine Zeit gehabt es zu reparieren. Danke für den Hinweis und Gruss aus der Schweiz.
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Nun ist es repariert. :D
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Guten Tag zusammen

Ich habe eben unsere Forensoftware auf den neusten Stand gebracht. Es schaut noch etwas seltsam aus aber mir war die neuste Version wichtiger als alles schon perfekt zu haben. Wenn was nicht funktionieren sollte meldet dies bitte schnellstmöglich.

Besten Dank und Gruss
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Fühlt sich wie zu Hause
Fühlt sich wie zu Hause
Beiträge: 429
Registriert: 11.08.2006, 12:07
Wohnort: Hamburg

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von DerInder »

Moin Moin,

der Look hat mich im ersten Augenblick zweifeln lassen, ob ich im richtigen Forum bin :lol:
Viele Grüsse
Fühlt sich wie zu Hause
Fühlt sich wie zu Hause
Beiträge: 379
Registriert: 29.07.2006, 13:22
Wohnort: Hamburg

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von Peter »

Hallo Thomas,
Viele Maskenkanten abgerundet. Sieht echt witzig aus. Viel moderner als vorher. Ich finde es klasse. Bei mir funktioniert alles soweit unter Windows 8.1.
Viele Grüße
Beiträge: 161
Registriert: 26.12.2014, 08:52
Wohnort: Baden-Württemberg

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von ChemieFreiheit »

Gibt es keinen Logout (Abmelden) mehr?

[Edit] Aaaahh, auf den eigenen Namen rechts oben klicken du musst, Abmelden du dann finden wirst :-)

Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Ich habe soeben das ee-forum auf die Version 3.1.6 angehoben.
Bitte entschuldigt die kurze Unterbrechung.
Bei Problemen bitte diese bei mir melden.
Besten Dank und weiterhin viel Spass im Forum.
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Ich habe soeben das ee-forum auf die Version 3.1.7-pl1 angehoben.
Bitte entschuldigt die kurze Unterbrechung.
Bei Problemen bitte diese bei mir melden.
Besten Dank und weiterhin viel Spass im Forum.
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Ich habe soeben das ee-forum auf die Version 3.1.8 angehoben.
Bitte entschuldigt die kurze Unterbrechung.
Bei Problemen bitte diese bei mir melden.
Besten Dank und weiterhin viel Spass im Forum.
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Ich habe soeben das ee-forum auf die Version 3.1.9 angehoben.
Bitte entschuldigt die kurze Unterbrechung.
Bei Problemen bitte diese bei mir melden.
Besten Dank und weiterhin viel Spass im Forum.
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Ich habe soeben das ee-forum auf die Version 3.1.10 angehoben.
Bitte entschuldigt die kurze Unterbrechung.
Bei Problemen bitte diese bei mir melden.
Besten Dank und weiterhin viel Spass im Forum.
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Ich habe soeben das ee-forum auf die Version 3.2.0 angehoben.

Bitte entschuldigt die etlichen Unterbrechungen. Ich hatte zu kämpfen :-(

Bei Problemen bitte diese bei mir melden.

Besten Dank und weiterhin viel Spass im Forum.
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Beim Senden von PN bekommt man eine Fehlermeldung. Die PN wird jedoch schon gesendet. Das funktioniert so weit.
Ich bin an der Sache dran.
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Kennt sich schon aus
Kennt sich schon aus
Beiträge: 57
Registriert: 20.02.2012, 12:40

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von Henning »

Unter Opera sieht es seit heute so aus:
BaukastenForumOpera.png (520.18 KiB) 67225 mal betrachtet
BaukastenForumOpera.png (520.18 KiB) 67225 mal betrachtet
Die Menüs klappen sich immer automatisch aus.
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Ich habe viel "rumgebastelt" und Blut geschwitzt.
Nun sollte eigentlich alles funktionieren.
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.
Kennt sich schon aus
Kennt sich schon aus
Beiträge: 57
Registriert: 20.02.2012, 12:40

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von Henning »

Unter Internet Explorer und Firefox ist alles ok, Opera veranstaltet immer noch Chaos.
Beiträge: 1620
Registriert: 30.04.2006, 16:54
Wohnort: Bei Basel (CH)

Re: ForumSoftware Update

Beitrag von suntri »

Welche Version verwendest du? Und auf welchem OS?
Gruss suntri

Erkläre es mir, ich werde es vergessen. Zeige es mir, ich werde es vielleicht behalten. Lass es mich tun, und ich werde es können. Indisches Sprichwort.

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